Self-Pay Eligibility
Despite efforts of the front desk, ER kiosk, and other patient-facing staff, it can be challenging to determine if a patient is, in fact, self-pay. Our Self-pay Eligibility Microbot helps locate eligible insurance and automatically returns it to your Practice Management System.
Microbot Features:
- Streamlines denial management and is easy to implement
- Automatically checks for the patient’s eligibility with payers when a denial is received
- Eligible insurance is returned to your Practice Management system and the claim is resubmitted.
Robotic process automation (RPA) is transforming healthcare revenue cycle management, bringing it to the next, more efficient, level. Meridian’s RPA solution, Microbots, are digital assistants that replace mundane, repetitive processes, allowing organizations scalability and increased production in a HIPAA compliant environment. Contact us to learn more. Contact us to learn more.